Monday, November 30, 2015

Description of my Emulation

Aaron Kaplan
Emulation Paper
ART 552
Emulation of Salvador Dalí

For my project I am going to emulate Salvador Dalí. He was a Spanish artist in the mid 1900s. His work was mostly paintings, but he did create sculptures and did live expositions. Dalí’s work is very surreal and imaginative. His use of everyday objects contorted and out of place really speaks to me. The melting clock is his most iconic object he uses in his paintings and sculpture work.
Dalí’s work can make people laugh or feel uncomfortable or cringe, but can also be strangely peaceful. I am going to attempt to create these waves of emotion and create thought provoking photographs.
I want to play upon his surreal ideas of time and other themes that are present in his work. I want to create a fantastical journey with my photographs. I have not felt that I have created a very cohesive body of work this semester, so I am excited to explore this idea of all my photos to be related in some way. And for those photographs to take someone through a journey.
I also want to utilize a lot of off camera editing. Which is something I have not really done in the past. I generally like my pictures to be as true to the the actual thing as possible. I generally edit to make the photograph look as I saw it. But. for this project I want to use different photoshop editing techniques like amalgamation.
During my process of taking creating sculptures, editing, and printing; I want to put myself in the mindset of Dalí. I want to really try and think like him. I believe that I can accomplish that even in the small amount of time that is given for this project. I am excited to take myself on the whimsical surreal journey, and I hope that my photos portray that journey.


Monday, October 26, 2015

Abstract Egg


All Edited Photos

Contact Sheets from 9/25/2015

Contact Sheets from 9/21/2015

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Flâneur: Final Project

These are the final Prints of the Flâneur Project

In my photo set I wanted to portray things that happen every day. I took photos on two different days, one an ordinary one, and the other was extra ordinary. I wanted to show that everyday events really do happen everyday, no matter the day, or the occasion, life still happens around you, and at any given moment you can find the simplest moments, the quiet moments, the loud moments. All you need to do is open your eyes and look around. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Homework 4: Color Theory

The color red. When looking around, the color red is EVERYWHERE in my life. I also chose to photograph red because out of the three primary colors, blue, yellow, and red; red happens to be my favorite. Finally I love the way Red pops in a photo. 

Red is...

Monday, September 21, 2015

Homework 2

Pictures from Left to Right

Who are you? What Did you look like as a child? What is you main character trait? What inspires you most? What do you normally take pictures of? What do you love about photography? If you weren't a photographer  what would you be? What is the first thing you touch in the morning? What is your favorite photograph (2 images)? Share a secret about you or your best friend. What is the meaning of life?

Homework 1

Photos From left to right:

Insect, Reflection, Something Out of Place, Something Scary, Bed, Glass, A Moment Alone, Leaves, Shadow, Favorite Place, Pattern, Animal, Heat, Clouds, Body Part

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Photography: The Poetry of the Visual Arts

 Anyone can pic up a camera, a cell phone, a tablet and snap a picture. It was one of the few forms of art that does not require any formal training. It does help, but in todays age it is not necessary. Photography captures moments in time. They can be the most important moment of someone's entire life, but the wonderful thing is that it doesn't have to. The greatest thing is that you can capture the little moments. Compared to the big things of life, there are exponentially more small things. The little things that keep you going. A smile. A shell by the sea shore. An object that catches the eye. And even  a cliché sunrise. A camera allows you to capture these moments. Save them. And share them.